Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VIII is an RPG released in late 1999 by publisher and producer Squaresoft (current Square Enix) for the PlayStation console and later converted to PC in 2010 was made available to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable through the PlayStation Network.

The story unfolds around Squall Leonhart, a young sociable SeeD mercenary known as "Solitary Wolf," who engages in global conflict against a sorceress who manipulates wars and people to control the World.

Final FantasFinal Fantasy Oito psxy VIII was one of the first games in the series to use characters with realistic proportions, a combat system that does not involve the traditional MP (Mana Points), character groups that follow us wherever we go, and a much simpler weapons system and realistic and accompanied with the best Cutscenes of the time for the console .

I leave this rom (iso) to download just below. Now you will be able to remember great moments with this game if it was part of your childhood. Good fun.


Download (Magnet link, requires Utorrent to download)
Version: PS1

Recommended Emulator

Windows PC: Epsxe | Android Xebra

For more PSX ROMS click here

An amazing free game.

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